In late March 2020, Pivit made a surprise announcement that it would no longer provide residential telecommunications services to residents at Prince Henry at Little Bay. Pivit advised that it had partnered with Uniti, which would take over the provisioning of Internet and phone services from 1 April 2020.
As Uniti Wireless owns Prince Henry’s sole wholesale provider, LBNCo, it seems that Prince Henry residents have in essence moved from one monopoly, with Pivit as wholesale and retail provider and no choice, via an agreement with Landcom (the Network Management Services Agreement), to an alternative monopoly with no agreement and no choice. The term ‘from frying pan to fire’ comes to mind.
Another surprise is the much lauded broad choice of RSPs promoted heavily by both LBNCo and Pivit has not been mentioned. Wonder why?
The CA Executive Committee has been liaising with Landcom for many months to resolve the complex telecoms situation at Prince Henry. Progress has been minimal so far. Developments will be posted on this webpage as they occur.