We received a call from a Pivit officer some weeks ago bemoaning the fact that some Prince Henry residents seem to be under the impression that Pivit is responsible for the delivery of the Foxtel service. However, as the officer advised, despite Pivit owning the satellite that provides Prince Henry residents with the means to receive the Foxtel service, Pivit is not responsible for maintaining or upgrading Foxtel’s infrastructure.
Over the past few months, Pivit has received several complaints from Prince Henry residents experiencing pixellation on some Foxtel channels. Pivit advised that this may be because the infrastructure needs upgrading to accommodate recent and not so recent technological advancements.
In a nutshell, the customer’s contract is with Foxtel, not Pivit. Therefore if there is any problem with the Foxtel service, Foxtel should be carrying out the problem solving or trouble shooting roll − not Pivit, Anecdotal evidence suggests that on a number of occasions Prince Henry Foxtel customers have called Foxtel to report a problem, only to be advised by Foxtel operatives that he | she should contact Pivit. Remember, you pay Foxtel for this particular service, not Pivit, so your contract is with Foxtel, and Foxtel should be helping you to resolve the problem you’re experiencing with its service.
Over the years, we’re advised, Pivit has maintained its philosophy of trying to help Prince Henry’s Foxtel customers resolve their problems wherever possible. And, Pivit has carried out minor repairs to Foxtel’s infrastructure…because Pivit’s maintenance team is often at Prince Henry. However, we’re advised that major (potentially costly) infrastructure upgrades are Foxtel’s responsibility.
If you’re experiencing pixellation or any other problem with your Foxtel service, Pivit suggests you contact Foxtel to sort out the problem. If the Foxtel operative suggests you call Pivit, then remind them that your contract is with Foxtel not Pivit. If you have no luck, then we’ve found that posting on Facebook can get results.
Note: This article is not an opinion piece. It has been published to inform Prince Henry residents following a concerned call from Pivit.