Is anyone experiencing painfully slow internet problems since the Foxtel upgrade around 17 December?
Seems many Prince Henry residents have been advised that they’ve exceeded their monthly data allocation, triggering ‘speed shaping’, which effectively means the internet slows to a snail’s pace. Many residents we spoke with had not been advised that they’d exceeded their data allocation in the past − some have lived at Prince Henry for more than seven years. Many have upgraded their plans, of course increasing their monthly payment.
We received a call from an IT person looking after one of the residents who was astounded that with a monthly allowance of 500GB there were enough waking hours for his client to exceed the limit. Strange indeed. They’re trying to get Pivit to investigate.
Is this a coincidence? Or is there a technical issue that Pivit is unaware of?
If you’ve had a problem with slow internet. we’d suggest your best option would be to contact Pivit and ask them to investigate.