Urban Growth has advised that it has decided to release some but not all information in relation to the original contract with Pivit. Urban Growth’s Notice of Decision indicates that the information that will not be released includes that of the cost of the contract for commercial in confidence purposes.
On receipt of the Prince Henry Community Associaition’s application, Urban Growth consulted with Pivit. Initially, Pivit objected to the decision to release information on the contract to the CA. However, Urban Growth while acknowledging Pivit’s concerns stated that it is in the public interest that this information be released.
Urban Growth has to allow Pivit 40 days to object to the information being released. And so, subject to the current Decision standing, the CA we will receive information in relation to the Pivit contract no earlier than 14 March 2016.
Once the information is available, the CA can determine whether or not to contact the Telecoms Industry Ombudsman (TIO).