Make sure you stay informed on meeting dates for your strata scheme or neighbourhood association. To join the executive committee of your strata scheme or neighbourhood association, check with your managing agent as to the process required. Individual lot owners may nominate themselves at the AGM for a position on the PHCA Association Committee.
Make sure you stay informed on meeting dates for your strata scheme or neighbourhood association. To join the executive committee of your strata scheme or neighbourhood association, check with your managing agent as to the process required. Individual lot owners may nominate themselves at the AGM for a position on the PHCA Association Committee.
PHCA Association Committee meetings are held at regular intervals – check this website for updates. Your strata scheme or neighbourhood association will always be informed in advance of scheduled meeting dates. Individual lot owners who’ve provided contact details will also receive PHCA information.
It’s very important to note that to vote at an Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting of the PHCA you must be ‘financial’. This means, whether a strata scheme, neighbourhood association or individual owner, CA levies and any accrued interest must be paid up to date.
It’s also important to note that to nominate for a seat on the PHCA Association Committee, the correct process must be followed. And so, we’ve compiled the following Q & A to provide the information you’ll need. If you have additional questions on the nomination process, please contact your managing agent.
If your property is part of a strata scheme or neighbourhood association, your owners corporation or neighbourhood association can appoint you as their candidate for election to the PHCA Association Committee. If your property is not part of a strata scheme or neighbourhood association, you may nominate yourself.
The owners corporation, at a general meeting, can by ordinary resolution appoint a representative as its candidate for election to the PHCA Association Committee. Minutes of that general meeting must be submitted to the PHCA.
The neighbourhood association, at a general meeting, can by ordinary resolution appoint a representative as its candidate for election to the PHCA Association Committee. Minutes of that general meeting must be submitted to the PHCA.
If your property is not part of a strata scheme or neighbourhood association you may nominate yourself for election to the PHCA Association Committee at the PHCA’s Annual General Meeting.
However, if the lot is owned jointly you can be nominated only by:
The following limitations apply:
If the lot is owned in a company name, that company may appoint a company nominee to represent it at a general meeting. Alternatively, the company may appoint a proxy. However, that proxy cannot nominate a person to stand for election to the executive committee unless they have written instructions and written consent from the nominee accepting the nomination.
The Act requires company nominees to be registered on the community roll (maintained by the PHCA Managing Agent). If a company nominee is not registered it cannot be accepted.
The number of members of the Association Committee is restricted to a maximum of nine positions, with the meeting setting the number at each Annual General Meeting to a number between one and nine. If there are more nominations than positions, the meeting will be asked to vote on the appointments by ballot, electing the new Association Committee. The Act does not allow a poll to be called to consider this motion.
A strata scheme may appoint a proxy to act on its behalf at general meetings. The appointment of the strata scheme’s proxy is made by the owners corporation at a general meeting or by its executive committee at an executive committee meeting. A proxy form must be completed and the strata scheme’s common seal must be affixed.
A valid proxy must be provided before the general meeting and, if required, evidence of the above resolution.
A strata scheme may appoint a proxy to act on its behalf at general meetings. The appointment of the strata scheme’s proxy is made by
the owners corporation at a general meeting or by its executive committee at an executive committee meeting. A proxy form must be completed and the strata scheme’s common seal must be affixed.
A valid proxy must be provided before the general meeting and, if required, evidence of the above resolution.
An individual lot owner may attend meetings in their own right and may vote on all matters.
If the lot is owned in a company name, the company may appoint a company nominee to represent it at a general meeting. Alternatively, the company may appoint a proxy. However, the proxy may not nominate a person to stand for election to the executive committee unless they have written instructions and written consent from the nominee accepting the nomination.
Company nominees must be registered on the community roll (maintained by the CA Managing Agent). if a company nominee is not registered it cannot be accepted.
After the PHCA AGM it is usual for an Association Committee meeting to be convened to consider the appointment of the office bearers (Chair, Treasurer and Secretary). At this meeting members of the Association Committee will be asked to nominate to fill these positions. If a vote is necessary (there being two or more nominations for one position) the Association Committee will vote on the appointment/s.
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