Happy spring time fellow Prince Henry residents and neighbours.
In this newsletter we’re calling for action on a number of pressing local issues, including the gridlocked traffic everyone in the area experienced during the October long weekend, as well as the total disregard for social distancing, and the perennial illegal and disrespectful parking behaviour of some visitors to the area when we’re blessed with a beautiful weekend.
Then of course there’s the continuing saga of Little Bay Cove and Meriton’s push to destroy the essence of the area. Please read on to see what you can do to help.
And, planning for the potential mega-cruise ship terminal at Yarra Bay is more than likely still bubbling away, so don’t forget to keep up the pressure.
Also read about the plans for an updated website owned and operated by the Community Association which, following approval at the AGM, is a necessary move to ensure effective succession planning and continuity.
Thanks, as always, to each of our generous website sponsors and editorial contributors, particulary those sponsors that have recently renewed their sponsorship. Sponsors provide the financial support to enable the Prince Henry Community website to remain viable, as well as news updates to share with our readers. Volunteer contributors provide much of the substance for our newsletters, so a big thanks to volunteers.
To read the spring newsletter October 2020, go to the Community news page. And, please email the link to all friends and acquaintances you think may be interested.